Design What's Next

Who We Are

A smart, collegiate culture dealing in craft, obsessed with the impact of design and experience on life. 

Living by the outcome, never the hour – we care deeply about making lasting change for our clients.

Who We Are Image

We’re united by four values that underpin everything we do, from ways of working to how we let loose.

Spirit of Adventure

Good Hearted Business

Humble Yet Forthright

Exceptional Craftsmanship

Matter Of Form Leadership Team Min

Keeping Category Leaders Ahead

Living and breathing the client experience helps define unmet needs, ensuring our research is born of empathy, not ‘crowdsourced’.

A Culture That Connects

With a collegiate culture that’s more than a card behind a bar, we believe in making connections between the world and our work. And having fun whilst doing so.


experience haus.

Our belief is design should be at the heart of every business decision, Experience Haus empowers that - with B2B training,  full time bootcamps, part-time courses and workshops in Product Design, UX/UI, Service Design & User Research.   The design thinking toolkit will be invaluable not just the world of design, but in providing a better skillset to the boardrooms of tomorrow. Especially to the backdrop of an increasingly automated world. It’s these skills that create value above a commodity - something we believe fiercely in, and a community we actively invest in.